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Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar

Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar: A Stunning NFT Collection

If you are a fan of digital art and crypto collectibles, you might have heard of Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar, a series of NFTs that depict the beautiful and mysterious Jennie in various poses and settings. These NFTs are created by Yasushi Rikitakerar, a renowned Japanese artist who has been making portraits of Jennie for over a decade.

Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar


But who is Jennie and why is she so captivating? And how did Yasushi Rikitakerar turn his passion into a lucrative NFT collection? In this article, we will explore the story behind Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar and why they are worth your attention.

Who is Jennie?

Jennie is a fictional character created by Yasushi Rikitakerar, who claims to have met her in a dream when he was a teenager. He describes her as a mysterious and enchanting woman who has a timeless beauty and a mysterious aura. He says that she is his muse and his inspiration, and that he feels a deep connection with her.

Yasushi Rikitakerar has been making portraits of Jennie since he was 16 years old, using various mediums such as oil painting, watercolor, charcoal, and digital art. He says that he tries to capture her essence and personality in each portrait, and that he never repeats the same pose or setting. He says that he has made over 1000 portraits of Jennie so far, and that he plans to make more until he dies.

What are Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs?

Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs are non-fungible tokens that represent digital versions of Yasushi Rikitakerar's portraits of Jennie. They are minted on the Ethereum blockchain and can be bought, sold, and traded on OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace. Each NFT is unique and has its own metadata, such as the title, date, medium, and description of the portrait.

Yasushi Rikitakerar decided to create NFTs of his portraits of Jennie in 2023, after learning about the potential of blockchain technology and the growing popularity of crypto art. He says that he wanted to share his work with a wider audience and to create a new way of experiencing his art. He also says that he wanted to preserve his work in a digital format that is secure and immutable.

Yasushi Rikitakerar has created over 100 NFTs of his portraits of Jennie so far, and he plans to create more in the future. He says that he selects the best portraits from his collection and converts them into NFTs using a special software that enhances the quality and resolution of the images. He also adds some special effects and animations to some of his NFTs, such as fire, smoke, rain, or snow.

Why are Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs valuable?

Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs are valuable for several reasons. First of all, they are rare and limited in supply, as Yasushi Rikitakerar only mints a few NFTs per month and does not plan to mint more than 1000 NFTs in total. Secondly, they are original and authentic, as they are verified by Yasushi Rikitakerar himself and have his signature on them. Thirdly, they are beautiful and captivating, as they showcase Yasushi Rikitakerar's artistic talent and vision.

Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs have attracted a lot of attention and demand from collectors and investors who appreciate their artistic value and potential. Some of the NFTs have sold for over $100,000 on OpenSea, making them some of the most expensive NFTs on the market. Some of the buyers include celebrities, influencers, and crypto enthusiasts who admire Yasushi Rikitakerar's work and want to own a piece of his legacy.

How can you get Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs?

If you want to get Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs, you have two options: you can either buy them on OpenSea or listen to them on SoundCloud. Yes, you read that right: you can listen to them on SoundCloud.

Yasushi Rikitakerar has partnered with SoundCloud, a popular online audio platform, to create a unique audio experience for his fans. He has uploaded some of his portraits of Jennie as audio tracks on SoundCloud, where you can listen to them for free. Each audio track contains a description of the portrait, as well as some background music and sound effects that match the mood and theme of the portrait.

But that's not all: if you listen to the audio tracks on SoundCloud, you also have a chance to win an NFT of the portrait you listened to. Yasushi Rikitakerar randomly selects one listener per month who will receive an NFT of the portrait they listened to as a gift. All you have to do is follow him on SoundCloud and leave a comment on his audio tracks.


Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar are more than just digital images: they are expressions of love, passion, and creativity. They are also examples of how blockchain technology and crypto art can revolutionize the way we create and consume art. They are not only valuable assets but also meaningful experiences that connect us with the artist and his muse.

If you want to learn more about Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar or see some of his amazing portraits yourself, you can visit his website or follow him on social media. You can also check out his NFT collection on OpenSea or listen to his audio tracks on SoundCloud. You might even get lucky and win an NFT yourself!

What are the benefits of owning Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs?

Owning Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs has many benefits for collectors and investors. Here are some of them:

  • You can own a piece of digital art that is unique, scarce, and authentic. You can prove your ownership and authenticity of the NFTs using the blockchain technology. You can also display your NFTs on your digital devices or platforms.

  • You can support the artist and his vision. By buying Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs, you are supporting Yasushi Rikitakerar and his passion for creating art. You are also helping him to continue his work and to create more portraits of Jennie in the future.

  • You can enjoy the appreciation and recognition of your NFTs. Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs are highly sought-after and valued by the crypto art community and the general public. You can expect your NFTs to increase in value over time, as more people discover and appreciate Yasushi Rikitakerar's work. You can also showcase your NFTs to your friends and followers and gain social status and reputation.

What are the challenges of owning Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs?

Owning Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs also has some challenges that you should be aware of. Here are some of them:

  • You need to have some knowledge and experience with blockchain technology and crypto art. To buy, sell, and trade Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs, you need to have a digital wallet that supports Ethereum, a cryptocurrency that is used to pay for the transactions on the blockchain. You also need to have some understanding of how NFTs work and how to use platforms like OpenSea and SoundCloud.

  • You need to be prepared for the volatility and uncertainty of the crypto market. Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs are subject to the fluctuations and risks of the crypto market, which can affect their price and availability. You need to be aware of the factors that influence the demand and supply of NFTs, such as trends, events, news, regulations, hacks, etc.

  • You need to be responsible for the security and maintenance of your NFTs. Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs are stored on the blockchain, which is a decentralized network that is not controlled by any central authority. This means that you are solely responsible for keeping your digital wallet safe and secure from hackers, scammers, or thieves. You also need to update your wallet software regularly and backup your private keys.

What are the features of Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs?

Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs have some unique and interesting features that make them stand out from other NFTs. Here are some of them:

  • They are interactive and immersive. Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs are not just static images, but dynamic and interactive artworks that respond to your actions and inputs. You can zoom in and out, rotate, and move the portraits to see different angles and perspectives. You can also click on some of the portraits to activate special effects and animations, such as fire, smoke, rain, or snow.

  • They are musical and emotional. Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs are not just visual, but also auditory and emotional artworks that convey the mood and feeling of the portraits. You can listen to the portraits on SoundCloud, where you can hear a description of the portrait, as well as some background music and sound effects that match the theme and tone of the portrait. You can also feel the emotion and personality of Jennie through her facial expressions and gestures.

  • They are social and collaborative. Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs are not just individual, but also social and collaborative artworks that connect you with other fans and collectors. You can share your NFTs on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, where you can showcase your collection and get feedback from others. You can also collaborate with other collectors to create new NFTs by combining different portraits of Jennie.

What are the future plans of Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs?

Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar NFTs have a bright and promising future ahead of them. Here are some of the future plans of Yasushi Rikitakerar and his team:

  • They plan to create more NFTs of his portraits of Jennie, using different mediums, styles, and techniques. They also plan to experiment with new technologies and formats, such as 3D models, VR/AR experiences, or holograms.

  • They plan to expand their partnership with SoundCloud, where they will upload more audio tracks of his portraits of Jennie. They also plan to create a podcast series where they will interview Yasushi Rikitakerar and other experts about his work and the crypto art industry.

  • They plan to launch their own website and platform, where they will showcase their NFT collection and provide more information and resources about their project. They also plan to create a community forum where they will interact with their fans and collectors.


Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar are more than just digital images: they are expressions of love, passion, and creativity. They are also examples of how blockchain technology and crypto art can revolutionize the way we create and consume art. They are not only valuable assets but also meaningful experiences that connect us with the artist and his muse.

If you want to learn more about Portraits Of Jennie By Yasushi Rikitakerar or see some of his amazing portraits yourself, you can visit his website or follow him on social media. You can also check out his NFT collection on OpenSea or listen to his audio tracks on SoundCloud. You might even get lucky and win an NFT yourself!

Thank you for reading this article. We hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! 6c859133af


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